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  • Video Series: Crop Fill

    The Aviagen Crop Fill video is the third in the “Managing Uniformity of Parent Stock” video series and details the correct methodology for measuring crop fill; a key indicator of chick appetite development. Lea más

  • Video Series: Feed Sieve Demo (2010)

    This video demonstrates how to use the Aviagen Feed Sieve to determine feed physical quality. Lea más

  • Video Series: Finding the Correct Incubation Humidity (2011)

    Dr. Nick French, Aviagen’s Incubation Specialist, gives information on incubator humidity and the proper techniques for measuring moisture loss in eggs. Lea más

  • Video Series: Finding the Correct Incubation Temperature (2011)

    Aviagen Incubation Specialist Dr. Nick French discusses the importance of finding the correct incubation temperature and the proper techniques for measuring egg shell temperature. Lea más

  • Video Series: Lighting for Broilers (2010)

    This video discusses the impact of darkness exposure on welfare and productivity of modern commercial broilers, citing the scientific evidence on which Aviagen’s lighting recommendation for broilers are based. Lea más

  • Video Series: Managing Flock Uniformity (2016)

    The Aviagen Managing Flock Uniformity Video is an umbrella video introducing the importance of parent stock uniformity for future flock performance. It is the first in a series of tutorial videos covering different aspects of parent stock management. Lea más

  • Video Series: Weighing Broiler Breeders (2019)

    This is the fourth video in the “Managing Flock Uniformity of Parent Stock” series and covers the importance of accurate weighing and keeping records, how to bulk and individually weigh broiler breeders and what to do if weights deviate from expectations. Lea más

  • Poster: Cleaning and Disinfection

    This poster details the main steps that should be followed during cleaning and disinfection to ensure clean, biosecure housing prior to bird placement. Lea más

  • Poster: Sustainable Broiler Production

    When compared to 2003, the 2018 broiler has improved in the areas of energy use, global warming potential, pollution potential,and water and land use. The modern broiler is also more biologically efficient, with improved FCR and yield. Lea más

  • Arbor Acres Service Bulletin: Gut Health in Poultry UPDATE

    A healthy gut is essential for the efficient conversion of feed into its basic components for optimal nutrient absorption. If gut health is compromised, digestion and nutrient absorption will be affected, and bird health, performance and welfare compromised. Lea más

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